
Advanced Access Appointment System

We have introduced a new appointment system to enable us to offer everyone an appointment within 48 hours. Most of these appointments will be available the same day. You can pre book an early morning or early afternoon appointment up to one month in advance. It is one appointment per patient.

Review appointments are prebookable up to 4 weeks in advance. We will endeavour to give you an appointment with the doctor of your choice but if that doctors appointments are already full you will be offered an appointment with another doctor, however, If you book your appointment in advance you should be able to see the doctor of your choice. 

Appointments can be made by telephoning the surgery or by calling at reception. You will not be able to see the doctor of your choice if: 

  • The doctor is absent on annual leave or through sickness 
  • The doctor is on emergency duty 
  • The doctor is off duty 
  • If you need to be seen the same day with an urgent problem 

Urgent Appointments

Urgent appointments will be mainly for acute medical problems only, which you feel require to be dealt with that day. Should you require an urgent appointment for the day, it is advisable for you to ring us earlier in the day, where possible. Our lines are open from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm daily – Tel: 01642 616663 (Thornaby Main Surgery)

Extended Hours

7 Day Access to Appointments

Hartlepool & Stockton Health (H&SH) are offering appointments in the evening and on the weekends. You can see a local nurse or GP. Please book via our reception team.

DNAs (Did Not Attend) 

If you do not attend two routine appointments and do not contact the surgery, you will be sent a letter explaining that a further DNA may result in removal from the practice list. If a 3rd DNA occurs then you may be removed from the practice list.

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